Individual Sports
We can help you focus and achieve your individual sports goals.
We work with sports people in a number of different ways. We’ve enjoyed considerable success helping people who play a sport to achieve personal goals. Sometimes a lack of self-belief or confidence can be holding you back. We can help you to learn what it is and help you let it go.
Individual Sports Hypnotherapy Prices for adults
- 1 x session of 1.5 hours approximately, investment is 200 euro.
- 2 x sessions of one hour for €100 each.
About John Connolly, Sports Hypnotherapist
John Connolly is an experienced Hypnotherapist who uses pioneering Hypnosis methods to help people deal with emotional areas of their lives. He helps people who are suffering from panic attacks and anxiety, those who want to give up smoking, lose weight, or overcome insomnia or phobias. Since 2007, John has achieved great results helping sports people to achieve their goals and succeed.
Recent Successes
Provincial Rugby Player Selected For National Team
A man who was originally introduced to us for smoking cessation mentioned his newfound love of clay pigeon shooting. He started the sport two years ago, but felt that he was being held back by something. A couple of sessions rebuilding his confidence and he has now in 2014 less than 2 years after beginning the sport made the Irish Team. Phenominal success!!
Gaelic Footballer Who Was Bullied
Gaelic footballer who also came in for smoking cessation. A chat after the session revealed some confidence issues on the pitch that were holding him back when he went for the ball. Some early episodes of bullying by an older player when he was about 17 had knocked his confidence. In Gaelic football, every second counts, and sport is such an important part of this man’s life, it was causing him great pain because he knew he could do better. One session released the old negative imprints, and he continues to get fantastic results in his sport. Even though he’s in his mid 30’s, he is one of the fittest and strongest on his local football team, and he puts a lot of this down to the work with John. By the way, he also continues to be smoke free.
All Ireland Champions
In 2013 John worked with Castlegar camogie team on their way to winning the all ireland intermediate title. He helped in increasing the focus and belief of individual players and working in cohesion as a team to believe in themselves and each other. Powerful work in a group situation!
MMA Fighter
Currently working with a great MMA fighter on his quest to get to UFC status. He's well on the way and by mid to late 2016 should be close, depending on fights from now. His mental focus has increased massively in the relative short time John has worked with him and there's more to come!
You Are Worth It!
We find that many people just don’t put enough value on themselves. When they work with us and release and unlock their true potential, they can fully understand the value this can bring in their whole life, not just their sports performance.
Contact us today for an obligation-free chat to see if Hypnosis is something that would be helpful for you.